What Is a Sport?


While most people identify with some sports, the term “sport” may refer to many different activities. While cheerleading and fishing are popular pastimes, many of these activities are actually considered sports. Athletes’ emotions are important because they influence their self-perceptions and the way that other people evaluate their performance. Certain feelings are anticipatory, while others are expressed during and after a performance. Sports subcultures often script feelings and require athletes to use appropriate behaviors and display emotions during game time.

The word “sport” connotes intense physical activity. Athletes move their bodies around a field or arena, burning calories and sometimes even becoming physically exhausted. Athletes also develop skills in the body part they are playing. Children learn to play fair, teamwork and improve self-esteem through sports. There are several different kinds of sports, including football, soccer, basketball, hockey, tennis, and rugby. But no matter the type of sport, children are bound to enjoy it.

While the idea of a sport is subjective, there are certain common features that all sports share. Most people recognize that calling an activity a sport raises a person’s esteem and gives it a purpose. But calling something a sport is subjective, which is why it is important to recognize the positive effects it has on those who participate. This is because the term “sport” can be used to refer to an activity that a non-sportsperson may not even consider a game.